Wednesday, March 23, 2011

FTC Needs Your Input! - Does Self-Regulation of Alcohol Beverage Manufacturers Work?

The Federal Trade Commission announced plans to begin a study of the self-regulation of the Alcohol Beverage Industry. The Commission began major reports on the effectiveness of self-regulation among this industry in 1999 and the upcoming study will serve as the part of the basis for their fourth report. Out of past reports have come recommendations such as the Industry should have third-party review boards and the Industry should raise their ad standards. The new report will examine if voluntary guidelines are working today to reduce advertising and marketing of alcohol to underage audiences.

So here's where you come in. The FTC is looking for public comment on the proposed collection of data from alcohol manufacturers, the first step they must take in order to conduct their study. The topics they are looking to include are:

  • "the companies' compliance with voluntary advertising placement provisions, sales and marketing expenditures;
  • the status of third-party review of complaints regarding compliance with voluntary advertising codes; and 
  • alcohol industry data-collection practices."
To share your comment on this issue click here.

The Marin Institute has also released a report on this topic titled, "Why Big Alcohol Can't Police Itself A Review of Advertising Self-Regulation in the Distilled Spirits Industry." It's definitely worth checking out. The report examines the code previsions the Industry is supposed to "voluntarily" follow, the number of complaints against ads violating these codes and follow-up action taken.

Let FTC know how you feel about the Alcohol Industry's self-regulation. Does it work? It doesn't take much looking into before coming to the easy conclusion of... no.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's That Time Again! The Alcohol License Review Committee Meeting!

It's already mid-March! Can you believe it?! I know I can't! With the middle of the month comes... Alcohol License Review Committee (ALRC)! The meeting, tomorrow night (Wednesday March 16th) will be at its usual place, the City County Building rm 201. At this meeting, the ALRC will likely be VOTING on the proposed changes to the Alcohol License Density Ordinance.

The changes include:

Entertainment Venue Exception -proposed change would add new exception for establishments that provide entertainment, discussion continues over allowed percentage of alcohol revenue for this type of establishment.
    Coalition's Position: The Coalition does not support the entertainment venue exemption as drafted and the DCCRAA believes any entity with more than 50% of its revenue coming from alcohol sales will, in fact, make a significant contribution to the alcohol problems in the ALDO area.

Exceptional circumstances -proposed change would increase allowed percentage of alcohol revenue from 25 percent to 50 percent of total revenue for businesses in this category.
    Coalition's Position: If an outlet gets more than 50% alcohol revenue, it should be viewed as a bar not a restaurant or entertainment venue. More than half of a business’ revenue does not need to come from alcohol in order for it to be successful. Therefore, the Coalition feels the exceptional circumstance clause should remain as it is in the existing ordinance with no more than a 25% liquor sales allowed for non-bar establishments. Our community will thrive when we address the very real issue of alcohol abuse in Madison by keeping ALDO strong.

365 day clause -proposed change would increase window from 365 days to 730.
    Coalition's Position: Doubling the window of time for allowing a new tavern to open does not limit and slowly reduce through attrition the number of alcohol outlets. Therefore, it does not do what ALDO was set out to accomplish. If an establishment closes and new tenants are not found within 365 days, our leaders should seize that opportunity to reduce liquor outlets in our neighborhood.

If you care about the health and safety of our downtown, please stand up for ALDO with us. If you are able to attend the ALRC meeting Wednesday, March 16th at 5:30, please join us as we support ALDO. If you can't make it, consider submitting a written testimony, or taking a few minutes to register in support of ALDO, in-person, before the meeting.